Draco Malfoy the Amazing Bouncing Ferret
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» Run for Your Life Little Girl –The Beatles =Drarry songfic, sequel to Shot Through the Heart
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    Run for Your Life Little Girl –The Beatles =Drarry songfic, sequel to Shot Through the Heart Empty Run for Your Life Little Girl –The Beatles =Drarry songfic, sequel to Shot Through the Heart

    Post by Madam Triwizard Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:00 am

    Well I'd rather see you dead, little girl
    Than to be with another man
    You better keep your head, little girl
    Or I won't know where I am

    Harry was expecting it already and knew how to see it after the time he’d spent with Malfoy, or arguing with him before that. Even if the games were over and Draco was trying to change for him there was still the part of the Malfoy heir which needed that attention from somewhere, usually through another flirt, even if Harry could always offer it, if only Draco would think of that.
    The jealousy was biting through Harry as he saw Draco Malfoy once again start chatting and flirting with Blaise as though he wasn’t with Harry. Even from across the hall Harry didn’t need any help to notice the lavish attention which was poured upon the Slytherin by his boyfriend.

    You better run for your life if you can, little girl
    Hide your head in the sand little girl

    Draco ignored it as usual, refusing to admit just how much he loved Harry’s jealous streak. Blaise was the perfect friend to allow him the treat of a jealous Potter. The Slytherin’s all knew that Draco had a boyfriend, especially since he kept on sneaking out at night without any pranks being shown the next day, but they didn’t know who it was, not yet. As the muggle proverb Draco had sometimes heard said, he was an ostrich with his head in the sand as far as the extent of Harry’s jealousy went.
    Although he was curious when an apparently scheming Harry left Dinner earlier than usual, but Draco assumed it was just some prank on his friends that Harry was planning.

    Catch you with another man
    That's the end'a little girl

    Harry was about to change Draco’s ignorance, leaving the Great Hall soon after Zabini left, much to the shock of Draco. It was time to stop the flirting and if that meant going to the recipient instead of the source then Harry was more than willing to do just that.
    “Zabini, wait a moment will you?” Harry called, effectively stopping the Slytherin in his tracks by the cheerful tone.
    Blaise was careful as he turned around, knowing through instinct not to trust Harry Potter however much he thought it might be safe to. “What do you want Potter?”
    Harry was calm when facing the boy Draco had been flirting with. “I want something you can actually cause to happen. He should have expected this anyway, but apparently not. You do know Draco Malfoy is dating somebody don’t you?”
    “Of course it’s common knowledge in Slytherin, although we’re trying to work out who it is. Seems they can’t be the jealous type since Draco still acts like he does, if you ask me.” Blaise started to lean against the wall, wondering how Malfoy had anything to do with what Potter wanted.
    “He is the jealous type, especially now Draco is meant to be trying to change. Spread the word in Slytherin that Draco should learn not to flirt with other guys. Other than that, what could I do to sneak into the Slytherin common room under my invisibility cloak, say tomorrow evening?” Harry asked, making it as clear as he could without actually saying the words that he was Malfoy’s boyfriend.
    Zabini stared, shocked at the clear admission. “Fuck, err sorry Potter. If you know where the entrance is then the password is ‘bezoar’ for this week. Get in before people start leaving the Great Hall I suggest.”
    “Oh and please Zabini, don’t tell him or anyone who might pass it on that this happened.” Harry said before heading to the Gryffindor common room to study before he met Draco that evening.

    Well you know that I'm a wicked guy
    And I was born with a jealous mind

    Draco was completely relaxed at breakfast the next day, because he wasn’t thinking that Harry hadn’t reacted the way he normally did when jealous of Draco flirting with the other Slytherin’s. He wasn’t even thinking about Harry’s vague words as he left.
    That was before he saw Harry, grinning at him, dangerously, and an owl flying down towards him with a letter. It was more of a note when Draco retrieved it from the owl, which read, “You might be Slytherin, but here’s a secret, I almost was too. You should look out for my wicked streak if you want to play the jealousy game. Especially after saying you’d try to change and stop the games.”
    Malfoy’s heart thudded, barely noticing the strange looks he was getting off Blaise, Pansy and Goyle.

    And I can't spend my whole life
    Trying just to make you toe the line

    Harry had disappeared before Draco could look at him curiously at dinner that night. Somehow Blaise had learnt who Draco was dating and was refusing to flirt or even explain how he, and everyone else in Slytherin. Hermione just shrugged when she saw Malfoy watching as though wondering where Harry had gone, but looked like she knew something about it.
    Pushing thoughts of Potter out of his head Draco carried on with his meal not flirting as much as he could have done, but still flirting a little with the people who allowed him to. The only thought of Harry that refused to leave Draco’s mind was a question ‘What if he didn’t want to meet up as usual that night?’
    By the time the Slytherin’s returned to their common room Harry was comfortably hidden so he could move out of the way of people without alerting anyone to his presence. Draco had also managed to convince people they could flirt with him all they liked because Harry Potter wasn’t that possessive of him, except Blaise Zabini still refused to, claiming he knew better after seeing the other Gryffindor’s being jealous easily. “Come on Blaise, he isn’t even here. What’s wrong with harmless flirting?” Draco tried, knowing that his friend was the best flirt around if he’d let himself act like he normally did.
    “Do you really think that after all his life Harry doesn’t know how to learn things like what happens around someone he cares for?” Blaise replied shaking his head, but sitting beside Draco in front of the fire.
    “Of course he doesn’t, if he could then surely he would have stopped me completely by now.” Draco laughed, stroking Blaise’s hair.
    Blaise smirked, “What’s to say he hasn’t got a plan in place already?”
    Leaning his head on Zabini’s shoulder Draco laughed, “I’m the Slytherin, surely I can tell if someone is plotting to change this.”
    Harry watched the flirting and apparently fussing with danger in his mind, but knowing Blaise was just playing a role to get Draco caught. There was already a note in his hand for Draco to get that night, but the plan had changed when Draco had scoffed at his ability to plan how to stop the flirting. With a tap to Blaise’s shoulder Harry showed he needed to leave and a change in plan had happened, not that Blaise knew the plan at all.
    Outside the Slytherin common room Blaise looked questioningly at the Gryffindor.
    “That plan wouldn’t work on Draco, because he likes the jealous streak he sat and denied. I have 2 options because of it. 1) Spend my life trying to make him toe the line, or 2) beat him at his own game, sorry for the storm that he’ll soon be to anyone and everyone.” Harry explained, before disappearing away.

    You better run for your life if you can, little girl
    Hide your head in the sand little girl
    Catch you with another man
    That's the end'a little girl

    Seamus and Dean knew what Harry was doing, Ron was convinced of a break up although none of them had ever expected Harry to manage the plan, but Harry needed them for the plan to work. Hermione disapproved as usual, but whole-heartedly understood why he needed to teach Draco the hard way what jealousy felt like.
    Blaise only knew that he had better keep away from Draco Malfoy if Harry’s plan was anything like what he expected. Draco was just clueless as he carried on flirting at the start of dinner. Then he stopped everything and stared.
    Harry was laughing, leaning on Seamus in a way that could almost have been an embrace. Dean was smiling at them both for a moment before pouting and saying something. Still grinning Harry shook his head then pushed a strand of Dean’s hair from his cheek. Ron was laughing with them, jokingly making gestures pairing Harry with either of them. Hermione was trying to stop the actions, smiling lightly at the boys.
    Blaise watched from the opposite end of the Slytherin table as Draco glowered at the Gryffindor’s, eventually catching Harry’s eye. There was a battle of wills for a moment before Harry mouthed “Astronomy Tower, midnight.”
    An owl landing beside Draco distracted him from the continuing actions of the Gryffindor table. ‘Enjoy the show Draco. You could find a way to stop it, but I doubt you will. Is your head still hidden in the sand that yesterday I tried to work against? ’

    Let this be a sermon
    I mean everything I've said
    Baby, I'm determined
    And I'd rather see you dead

    There were crashes and thuds from the astronomy tower as Harry approached it, listening carefully for any suggestion that Draco didn’t want him to turn up. Malfoy already guessed Harry would think like that when hearing the crashes and had the boy in the room with him before there was a chance for him to head back to the Gryffindor tower.
    “What were you doing acting like that?” Draco snarled, his face just inches from Harry’s and the picture of fury.
    Harry pushed the Slytherin away. “I was being friendly, and allowing the two boys a game, since they were both struggling to ask the other out. Quite a silly thing since most of the house assumes they’re a couple already.”
    Malfoy smirked, thinking he had Harry caught. “You wouldn’t act like that for Weasley and Granger, would you Potter? That was more than playing a game to matchmake and you know it.”
    “Sorry Draco, am I missing something? I believe 6 years of being their best friend and one year of flirting with both of them because I was bored and they needed to hurry up and get together proves I would do exactly that for Ron and Hermione. However I’m still trying to learn the reason for your shameless flirting.” Harry countered calmly, watching his boyfriend’s reaction to the explanation.
    “That’s beside the point. The Slytherin’s found out. How can you act like that when my house know what’s happening?” Draco cried, trying not to let tears fall.
    Harry gave a small grin. “Last I saw you were still flirting with them all so I can’t believe that they do really know that it’s me, otherwise at least some of them would have stopped out of fear of the apparently famous Gryffindor jealousy. I meant what I said Draco. I’m not going to share and that’s the truth, so you learn that quickly. I’m tempted to say I’d rather see you dead than with someone else, but we both know that’s not true, unless you actually do cheat on me, which it seems you’re about this far from doing.” Harry held up a hand, with a tiny gap between his thumb and forefinger.
    “You know I’d never do that, don’t you?” Draco gasped, shocked at the half threat and Harry’s suggestion he would cheat.
    Harry sighed, tired of being jealous and trying to get Draco to stop. “Draco, You’ve changed to stop hurting me, then carried on flirting because you like how I get when I’m jealous. My friends, in fact most of my house, have known I’m with you for ages, so imagine how many jokes there are about your flirting with the other Slytherin’s so much. The flirting needs to stop, or the whole school needs to know of our relationship.”
    Draco smiled, “I don’t see how you’re going to get the entire school to know about a relationship we’ve kept wonderfully quiet all this time. The flirting will continue if not as clearly as it has gotten to be.”
    Harry smiled back. “Let’s forget this conversation until tomorrow then.” He muttered, pulling Draco into the first soft kiss of that night.

    You better run for your life if you can, little girl
    Hide your head in the sand little girl
    Catch you with another man
    That's the end'a little girl

    Draco recognised immediately the owl delivering a letter to Blaise the next day. It was Harry’s and the letter was only a line. Looking over the other Slytherin’s shoulder he read ‘Spread the news, and make the gossip start.’
    “What does Harry mean by that? Why is he writing to you anyway?” Draco asked after guessing what might happen.
    Blaise ignored him, turning to Pansy and Millicent. “It’s time I allowed you two to gossip like you have wanted to since I gave you the information. Start at the Ravenclaw table, Cho Chang’s old friends liked to gossip and are still here.”
    Across the hall Lavender and Parvati were moving to sit with some Hufflepuff’s clearly gossiping, with the glances in Draco’s direction getting noticed by more along the table. Soon the same was happening at the Ravenclaw table once Pansy and Millicent had joined them.
    Only after Malfoy seemed certain about what was being spread through the hall did Blaise turn to him again. “You really should know better than to ignore the scheming mind of someone who could defeat Voldemort, Draco. Flirting was fun, but learning how he plans was interesting too, even I didn’t gather it all.”
    “You knew about it from Harry? How did he manage that?” Malfoy looked shocked at least, but more worried about the truth that Harry could have been a Slytherin easily.
    Blaise shrugged, “He told me, and then showed just how jealous he could be. That invisibility cloak is an impressive thing isn’t it?”
    “Hang on, are you seriously telling me he showed you that cloak?” Draco was just getting more and more shocked at the revelations being offered. He didn’t even notice Harry’s laughing stare from across the Great Hall.
    “Well he had to for the first plan he made. You managed to change that plan easily without even knowing you did. I’m not even sure what that plan was, only that it hadn’t involved me as much as this one did.” Blaise explained, before nodding to a Gryffindor girl now stood in front of Draco.
    Romilda Vane looked murderous as she stared at the boy she’d only just been told was dating Harry Potter. “You ruined everything.” She snarled, before schooling her expression. “So I thought I’d offer you these in good will that you’ll treat Harry properly.” There was a box of chocolates held out in front of her, with ‘I hope you don’t’ written on the top.
    Accepting the chocolates, Draco made a mental note to check them for poison as he replied “I don’t plan to, besides where’s the proof of these rumours?”
    There was a group gathering behind Romilda with most of Harry’s fan club gathering there, not that Harry knew they were his fan club, preferring to call them the pesky prats. The group looked close to calling for Draco’s blood although he wasn’t sure whether that was over the flirting or the fact he was dating Harry Potter. As far as anyone was concerned there was only one choice for the Slytherin left, and that was running to safety somewhere away from there.

    I'd rather see you dead, little girl
    Than to be with another man
    You better keep your head, little girl
    Or you won't know where I am

    To say Harry had expected the pesky prats to turn on Draco had been an understatement, especially since he’d heard Romilda Vane’s latest plan to try and get him, which had involved a mild poison and her saving him only to feed him a love potion or something like that. He’d moved as soon as the group formed in front of Draco, opting to stand near the doors to the Great Hall instead, waiting for the necessary escape of his boyfriend.
    There was only one thing strange when Draco started running from the Slytherin table. He was holding a box that looked like it had chocolates in it. Harry knew where they were from in an instant and decided that Malfoy had learnt not to flirt already.
    Catching the blonde he pulled Draco into a tight embrace, carefully removing the chocolates from his hands. “I don’t think running away suits you at all.” He muttered into the Slytherin’s ear as he saw the prats halting about 3 metres away.
    Draco clutched to Harry, “It doesn’t, but neither does getting killed by your fan club.”
    “Then why are you still holding chocolates from Vane?” Harry whispered, before releasing Draco enough to face the crowd watching them. “Romilda, can you come over here please?” He called.
    Romilda looked like Christmas had come early as she walked over to Harry and Draco, smiling. “How can I help, Harry?” She asked innocently.
    “I just wanted to return these chocolates to you, Draco’s hands need to be free.” Harry said, just as innocently, handing the box over to Romilda at the same time. Just to prove the rumours true and that he wouldn’t let her tactics affect him or Draco Harry decided to pull Draco into a long kiss as soon as the Chocolates had changed hands.

    You better run for your life if you can, little girl
    Hide your head in the sand little girl
    Catch you with another man
    That's the end'a little girl
    Madam Triwizard
    Madam Triwizard

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    Age : 30
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